Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Obasanjo's new form of presidential swindling

Obj(aka President Matthew Aremu Obasanjo) recenly decided hey, I've been keeping the people of naija in intellectual darkness.So let me get those dumb people a library.He went all out for it...a library in his name somewhere in his hometown Abeokuta.

Well, no one actually thinks it bad to get library, at least the populace has a right to knowledge and education.Now the problem I have with this is that why on eath does he have to intiate a fund raising while he is in office.Knowing fully well people will rush to outdo themselves.this to me is another forem of corruption: PRESIDENTIAL CORRUPTION.All this when the prez is saying he is out to curb corruption...BIG DEAL.

I'm happy that people are not letting him go easy: Soyinka is saying it is executive extortion, Gani Fawehinmi is reaching for his law toga

But me, I'm just pissed silly and all I do is tell anyone who cares to listen that our president is another kinda crook.He wants to gyp the populace indirectly of 7 billion naira($50 million naira)- the cost of the library.Indirectly in the sense that the donors are his cronies who have benefitted from his policies, favours and contracts.

Obasanjo(OBJ) is nothing but a cheap fraud who wants acceptance in the western world,pretending to fight corruption while he perpetuates evil.


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