Thursday, February 17, 2005

my early day's at internship

Days and Mo’ Interminable Days

(a mail to a friend)

The days are fraught with work (though the nature thereof is unknown) and the nights with atimes dreamless (or sometimes nightmarish) state of being.

The battle is everyday and the war is always. So a man has to be always at athis state of red alert. Here there is no time for weaklings and prisoners are not taken. What is wanted is triumph and whatever it takes to triumph is what should be done. In short we exist here on the Machiavellian principle.

Well after all the preamble ramblings I guess I should try to educate you. What I do is what I do. I’m at the DCS and what I’m supposed to do is internship. Hope it goes into your thick skull. At the DCS, we trade in data, not your contemporary daytrading on wall street- but just as vital to our numerous and ‘esteemed’ customers. As if I had ever seen one.

Presently, I’m at the computer department and what I’m doing is learning to appreciate computer. Such a mundane idea. Then I’m being indoctrinated as per schlum i.t. (infotech) security. I should not talk to people like you about the top-secret jobs we are doing. ‘cos u may get our info down to our competitors. Which is not in the best interest of Schlum. I’m also learning UNIX. It is what most of there softwares run on. Also, I’m trying to get it into my head how the workflow here is. Oh, before I forget, I’m the general ombudsman here (in short I dey double as messenger for hear- na me dey go bind, fotocopy, type shit, shred, get water for the dispenser and all sorts of crap an intern does not think he sould do - I don de rebel!).

From this point I’ll move to the geology department where I’ll learn how the different softwares are put into use to solve the different geological problems. Then my next stop is with the geophysicist; I’ll do enuf seismic and interpretations. Then right on to my main unit the petrophysicst and the reservoir engineers. They work in collaboration with the log analysts. I get to see the different soft wares and the interpretation of logs so as to be able to give our clients advice and help make decisions that would be economically viable (you this is a huge capitalist venture money is the name of the game).

Well I also get to use such soft wares as BoreID*, MRX*, GeoFrame* and al sorts of crap which I’m sure does not make a difference if you eat or not- or maybe it does who cares.
You can tell me about your xperiences . Here it is like being in a fancy loony bin, only here the noise is not like being in Aro mental home. Probably like the padded walls of an American psychotic hospital where the inmates (well I consider the staff here to be inmates of the company) are hugging, caressing, fiddling and staring glassy eyed at their numerous therapists. The therapists here happen to be –guess…u did not get it…they are the intra and interconnected pc. JEEEEZ!!! It’s not funny at all.
Well I hope at the end of my 20 weeks I don’t be like them…I xpect u reply me

Yours indeed,
Res dura, et regni novitas me talia cogunt

Moliri, et late fines custode tueri.

...against my will, my fate,A throne unsettled, and an infant state,Bid me defend my realms with all my pow'rs,And guard with these severities my shores.


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